Once a month in term time, on a Tuesday evening, there will be a directed life drawing class. There will be a mixture of short and long poses.

Life Drawing, Sketch by Eleanor Measham
Life Drawing, Sketch by Eleanor Measham

This will be a time for you to break away from your normal routine and immerse yourself in your drawing.

The class is open to anyone, beginner or seasoned professional.

Tuesday, 3rd May, 7th June

£20 per person.

6.00pm – 9.00pm

Please contact me before coming so I can prevent the class becoming over full.

13 Replies to “An Evening of Life Drawing – The first Tuesday of each month

  1. Yes please Kate, I’d like to do this course. I’ve been keeping an eye out for one of your courses to suit my free time and this will do nicely. I want to do some art, drawing or painting, I haven’t done any since O level. Life drawing will be just the job!

  2. Hello Kate
    I’m a friend of Nicola Dunning’s and I would very much like to join the Life Drawing classes in Wherwell starting in October.
    Thanks & looking forward to it

  3. Hi Kate,

    This is just what I have been waiting for!
    It has been a long time since I did any drawing( A level Art in 1992) but love life drawing. Please could I sign up ?

    1. Excellent. If you send me your details I will make sure you get more information nearer the time. (I hope this comment isn’t a repetition…the last reply seemed to disappear on a different device)

  4. Me too please
    I’m a veteran of your courses, but there’s so much to learn.
    Can’t get enough. Can’t wait.
    Rosie Tatham

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