• Tutor, Kate Measham
  • June 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th
  • 10am – 1pm
  • £160/course in the studio
  • £90/zoom.
  • The class will be primarily in the studio, following Covid guidelines. In addition the class will be recorded and sent out via Zoom to those who are unable to be in the studio. There will be a Whatsapp group for both studio and zoom participants.
  • Numbers in the studio will be restricted.
  • The class will be recorded.

A RULE is something you must do. A CONSTRAINT limits what you can do. A STRATAGEM is a plan. A PROCEDURE is a particular set of actions. A PROCESS is something that happens because you want it to happen.

What to Expect on this course

These classes approach art in a different way – Kate will take you out of your comfort zone; the process leads the way and the outcomes may be diverse and unpredictable. You may, or may not have picked up a pencil to draw – it doesn’t matter. This course offers a new approach, whatever your artistic experience.

So why would you want to put yourself through this? When we pull the comfort blanket around our lives, stop trying new things, or taking risks, our experiences and lives get smaller.

As Emile Zola said,”…I am here to live out loud.” 

These classes are exciting. What is the worst thing that could happen? You can enjoy taking risks and trying out new ideas. We will guide you through the process, being encouraging and supportive throughout. You need to be interested, inquisitive, brave and involved. This will be reflected in your work.

The course will be developed over four classes. Some of the things you will consider:

Experimental Drawing and colour – exploring different aspects of abstract and expressive drawing – how far can a doodle and a scribble take you?

Why is composition so square?

Enjoying the Constraints – Rules are there to be broken – unless the rules are already breaking the rules.

Starting Somewhere Else – Using the works of other artists to take you somewhere entirely new.


What happens during a class?

Each class will involve the tutor giving clear instruction and demonstrations, where necessary.

You will follow the instructions using the materials suggested.

At various points through the class you will be put into discussion groups so you can chat about what you are doing, sharing your progress and problems.

At the end of each class the tutor will go over the various topics and instructions from the day’s class. There will be a chance to ask questions.

We will suggest homework between classes.

What you need to do this course

Materials for Art classes

  • You will need a pad of large cartridge paper A2 
  • wallpaper lining Paper
  • Drawing pencils, something like 3B, 5B and 7B
  • A mixed box of charcoal – including large pieces
  • A rubber and a pencil sharpener
  • Pritt stick
  • Scissors
  • Koh-i-noor anilinky Brilliant watercolours – please try to find these brilliant ones. They are very cheap and excellent for what you will be doing
  • Ox tail Mop, size 14 or similar (paint brush)
  • Cheap and cheerful wax crayons 
  • A4 sketchbook 
  • Masking tape

These materials are mostly readily available on art websites. You may already have some of the items on the list. If not I would recommend you try: 

         ArtSaver   https://www.artesaver.co.uk/Catalogue/SKETCHBOOKS-PADS

         Art Discount https://artdiscount.co.uk


In addition you will need to find a table to work at, a jar of water and an apron, overalls, or old clothes.